Tiled floors are very costly and they need to be cleaned regularly to keep them intact. If a tiled floor is not maintained or cleaned properly it can cost you a lot of money. There are several reasons for cleaning a tile. Dirty tiles can cause many diseases such as respiratory disorders and skin infections. Uncleaned tiles can create a lot more problems too. There are many ways to clean a tile thoroughly. To maintain your tiles and prolong their lifespan, it is important to get them cleaned professionally. To know about the various cleaning options for tiled floor surfaces read the blog completely.

Here Are Various Cleaning Options for Tiled Floor Surfaces:
Don’t Let The Stains Settle On The Tiles
If you notice any stains on your tiles make sure you clean them as soon as you see them. You can use a damp cloth to get rid of most of the stain and avoid it from settling down. A damp cloth can soak a lot of stains from the tiles. You should make sure you dab the damp cloth on the stains and remove as much stain as you can. This is one of the important things to take care of when removing stains from the tiles.
Use Vinegar For Cleaning Tiles
One of the best cleaning options for tiled floor surfaces is using vinegar. Vinegar has cleaning properties that help in removing almost all kinds of stains from the tiles. To prepare a cleaning solution, you must mix equal amounts of water and vinegar. This mixture produces an effective cleaning agent. All you need to do is just dab a rag into the mixture and scrub it thoroughly throughout the stains until it’s completely cleaned. Once it’s cleaned, wipe it with a clean cloth and allow it to dry.
Baking Soda
You can use baking soda as one of the cleaning options for tiled floor surfaces. Baking soda is another great natural tile cleaner. It helps in removing all kinds of stubborn stains and bad odours from the tiles and grout. Add baking soda and white vinegar in a 1:1 ratio into a bucket filled with warm water. Now add a tablespoon of liquid dishwasher and if you want some pleasant fragrance you can also add a few drops of essential oils. Now dip a mob and swab the floors. Hard stains will require more effort and vigorous cleaning. Once it is cleaned, dry the floor with a clean, dry cloth. Later you can let it dry with natural air. Always make sure you don’t use hard brush or scrubbing materials as they can damage the tiles instead you can use a soft-bristled brush.
Use Acidic Cleaner
There are many acidic cleaners available in the market that are useful in removing stains and dirt from the tile and grout. The acidic nature of these cleaners helps in cleaning all the stubborn stains from the surface of the tiles. Always check experts’ advice before buying any tile cleaner from the market.
Use Ammonia
Ammonia is one of the best floor cleaners and it is very helpful in removing mildew from the tiles. Just add a few drops of ammonia to warm water and use this solution to mop the floor. In case the stains are hard you must use a sponge and scrub it on the stains. Later mop it with clean water and later dry the tiles using a dryer and then your tiles are ready to shine. This is one of the best cleaning options for tiled floor surfaces.
Use Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another best cleaning option for tiled floor surfaces. All you need to do is just scrub the lemon directly on the stains or you can prepare a mixture of lemon juice with water.
Use Steam Cleaning For Stain Removal
To remove all the stubborn stains from the tiles steam cleaning can be a very good option. It is a process that doesn’t require any chemicals This machine releases high-pressure steam into the tiles that will remove all the dirt and stains from the tiles.
Book Professional Tile Cleaners- Save Your Floor
Tiles need proper cleaning regularly. Professionals can help you in removing all kinds of stains from the tiles. There are many benefits to hiring a professional tile and grout cleaning company in Perth. The tools professional cleaners use are also very effective for removing all kinds of stains and spots from the tiles. If you are looking to hire the best tile cleaners in Perth you can go with the cleaning services at Tims Tile Cleaning Perth. We are the number one tile cleaning service provider. You have various cleaning options for tiled floor surfaces.