Keeping shower grouts clean is important as it not only increases the overall look but also removes accumulated dust. Many people think that scrubbing is the only way to clean the shower grout and get rid of the stains. But, there are many other crucial and effective ways of cleaning the grouts in which there’s no need for scrubbing. Want to clean your shower grout without putting effort? Here are a few important ways following which you can do Shower tile and grout cleaning without scrubbing. Let’s check them out in a detailed manner-

Use Baking Soda
One of the effective and important ways of Shower grout cleaning without scrubbing is by using baking soda. Baking soda is one of the versatile ingredients that can be used for many cleaning purposes. You can either use baking soda separately or with any other natural chemical to get rid of stains and dirt from the shower. This shows an immediate result and is also considered a cheaper option for tile, shower, and grout cleaning.
So all that you need to do is to mix 1 cup of baking soda and one cup of hydrogen peroxide and then spray it on the shower grout. Now, add liquid dish soap over the shower grout then leave it for a few minutes. After this, you just have to rinse the entire shower with warm water. Also you can take the help of professional tile and grout cleaning services in Perth.
Vinegar And Warm Water
Vinegar is another multipurpose cleaner that one can use in the home for shower grout cleaning. This is another way of cleaning your tiles and shower grout without putting extra effort or scrubbing them. Solution of white vinegar and water will clean the entire dirt and dust that accumulated on the surface of the shower. Not just this, it will help in removing the bacteria and germs that got stuck on the dirty surface of the shower as well as the tile. In this way, you can do shower grout cleaning without scrubbing.
You just spray this mixture on the shower and wait for at least 15 minutes. Once done, you just need to rinse the shower with warm water and you will see an immediate result after applying vinegar. Vinegar and warm water work effectively and remove all the accumulated dirt immediately.
Bleach is another crucial method using which one can get rid of all the stains and bacteria with ease from the shower grout. If you don’t want to scrub the shower or put any extra effort into cleaning it then you must use bleach.
Make sure you use bleach for shower grout cleaning correctly. Use it only on the affected area of the grout. Also, you should wear gloves when using bleach for shower grout cleaning.
There are different ways of shower grout cleaning without scrubbing. You can use bleach, baking powder, or vinegar to see effective results in the cleaning of the shower grout. All these are natural ways of cleaning shower grout that show quick results. For more details then contact us.